Get to know Hushoffice
A Sound Choice for New Ways of Working
People are more effective when they have a choice of where to work. Controlled environments can help reduce audio and visual distractions. Real estate is utilized more efficiently with a one-time investment in right-sized, modular enclosures that scale to accommodate different size groups of people, and are mobile to adapt to changes in the floorplate without constructing walls.

Flexible Spaces to Get Work Done
Hushoffice’s acoustic pod offering provides market-leading acoustics, variety, and flexibility. With solutions to eliminate distractions and support choice of workstyles, Hushoffice expands the options within Haworth Collection to enhance the performance and well-being of people.

Hushoffice & Haworth Collection
Haworth began partnering with Hushoffice in fall of 2022 to offer a selection of acoustic pods that complement our Haworth Collection offering of respected brands. Quality engineering and refined acoustical properties benchmark Hushoffice against best-in-class pods. With clean lines, Hushoffice complements the design of existing or new spaces.

This article was originally posted on Haworth.com